David Holzman's Diary
James McBride (US, 1967, 74 min.)
L. M. Kit Carson plays David Holzman, an aspiring filmmaker living in lower Manhattan, in this pioneering satire of cinéma vérité. Holzman documents his daily life, his relationship with his girlfriend, the equipment and techniques of the filmmaking process, and the people he meets on the streets of Greenwich Village.
Near the end of the film, Holzman describes how his apartment was robbed and all of his filmmaking and sound recording equipment was stolen. We hear Holzman narrating these events on what he describes as record from an auto-recording booth, in which he has made an instant document of a few minutes of speech, since his Nagra recorder was stolen. The visual element that accompanies this narration is a series of photo booth photos, the visual equivalent of the auto-recording booth, the only way he can make a visual record of events now that his camera has been stolen.
Contributed by Brian