Funland Arcade II

200 Broadway St
Seaside, OR
B&W, 4 per strip, $3.00
Photos: July 17, 2004, July 2003
Last visit: July 17, 2004


The booth looked pretty permanently out of order during our July 2004 visit; even the plastic display cover was broken, and the old sample photos were being torn out, one by one.

Thanks to Deborah Heller for her submission of a photostrip from this booth taken in July of 2003. Deborah writes, "the booth was actually then out of order the next day when we went back to take more. It was also out of order the following summer, so I'm not sure if it is working currently. It was one of the nicest booths I've been to, despite the black bar on the bottom frame (which apeared in both photos I took) with a very nice white background and border."

UPDATE 6/24/12: Stephanie reports that as of the summer of 2012, this booth was no longer at Funland.

Contributed by Brian, Deborah Heller, Stephanie