December 02, 2009

Our friend Marco in Italy has been sending us news and info from Italy over the past few years, and we’ve finally had time to track down three films he let us know about. Two are 1980s Italian films with extensive photobooth sequences, and one is a Kevin Costner film with a fake photostrip in it, but we’re happy to have them all. Thanks, Marco.

First, Cosi parlo Bellavista, in which a Naples man is directed in how to pose for his photobooth photos.

Second, Al bar dello sport, in which a winning lottery ticket goes missing but is spotted in a photobooth.

And finally, Message in a Bottle, where we see a photostrip of Kevin Costner amongst the detritus of his life.

We are always grateful to our readers who submit their finds to us; please drop us a line if you come across something we don’t have listed on the site.

Brian | 8:03 pm | Movies

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