
Skalitzer Str. 134
Berlin, GER 10999
B&W, 4 per strip, €3.00
Photos: November 12, 2009
Last visit: October 18, 2023


Meags writes that this booth is located outside the Kottbusser U-Bahn station, and "had a fan that blew hot air on to the newly developed pictures."

UPDATE 10/18/23: Stephanie reports that "This is likely the booth you have listed as Kottbusser Tor -- what a long-lived, outdoor booth! It... has seen better days and was probably the worst smelling booth I've had the privilege of using. Photo chemistry pretty great though! Booth is located under the awning of a REWE supermarket. The address would be helpful for the listing since Kotbusser Tor station has multiple exits."

We've changed the name from Kottbusser Tor to Kotti, changed the address to more accurately reflect the location, and indicated that the price is now €3, up from €2 in 2009.

Contributed by Meags Fitzgerald, Stephanie Yung