When I read the title of this article, “£100K Fine for Burns Photo Firm,” I expected the piece to be about a photobooth company named “Burns Photo, Inc.,” or something along those lines. But then I realized that I was reading the article on the website of a British newspaper, hence the uniquely constructed headline, and that there aren’t that many photobooth companies dealing with chemicals these days.
Sure enough, Photo-Me International was fined for forcing workers to “mix toxic chemicals by hand that left them covered in weeping sores. The chemicals were so powerful that workers’ eyelids dried out and cracked, and one man’s fingers were burned so badly he couldn’t do up his shirt buttons without the blistered tips bursting.”
It’s well-known that photobooth chemicals are toxic; it seems inconceivable that Photo-Me wouldn’t give their employees the necessary protection and precautions. They should know better.
When you’re finished with that article, read more pieces with similarly phrased titles like “Honours Cops Quiz Blair Chiefs” and “Sex Cheat Husband Killed Wife.”