February 01, 2006

ebay_feb_06.jpgThis week sees a new black and white photobooth listed on eBay. The machine, described as “complete except glass that covers front door top flash glass,” has a starting bid of $4500. The machine has also been equipped with a “Mars 2000 series bill acceptor.”

The last photobooth listed on eBay, just a few weeks ago, never made it past its opening bid of $4000, which was then changed to $6500. We’ll see if this one, significantly older and missing the lime green paint job, will make it anywhere.

Also on eBay this week, another copy (second edition) of Billy Childish’s photo-booth, for anyone who’s interested in picking that up. It’s smaller in person, I have to say.

Brian | 8:48 pm | In the News

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